Website is in beta development
COSMETICS ETC, INC. D.B.A. COSMETICS DALLAS (“Cosmetics Dallas”, “us”, “we”, “our”).
These terms listed on this website are a legal contract between you and Cosmetics Etc, INC. D.B.A. Cosmetics Dallas. These terms govern your access to, browsing of, and usage of the Cosmetics Dallas website/platforms. These terms apply to any online sourcing, media, products, child sites and parent sites, and downloadable content (inclusive but not limited to any web applications, downloadable content and media, physical and digital products, memberships, and sub-domains).
You agree, you will not hold us liable for any use of your information outside our immediate control, by our vendors, including but not limited to our merchant servicing company (credit/debit card payment processing company), website domain(s), website builders, website hosting, associated services hosts, your financial institution, including your credit and / or debit card company, and / or any payment platform or service you use to pay or access for purchases, potential purchases, products, services, or goods.
This is a website in a “beta” testing phase, as we are still developing and this online platform and terms associated with them are still a work in progress.
( & and their sub-domains) will not be “fully operational” until further notice, inventory/product availability updated, resources provided by hosts comply, and that we are systematically able to proceed.
Please review all the paragraphs which make up this document. all our terms and policies are subject to change.
If at any time you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please navigate away from the site and clear your browser to remove traces of cookies immediately. If you do not agree with such terms and conditions, please cease all activity immediately with our online platform.
Cosmetics Dallas reserves the rights, and may make changes and modifications to products, media, text, pricing and information, services, etc. offered on this online platform at any time.
Please note, some of our manufacturers have temporarily suspended operations due to COVID-19 (or other reasons). Please call the showroom to place an order, as it will not be fulfilled, or shipped until verbal confirmation that your products you require are in stock and payment has been made.
In the event of a virus/bacterial/fungal outbreak, natural hazards outside of our control, war, riot, crime, epidemic, pandemic, power outages, internet outages, phone outages, credit card terminal outages, supplier malfunctioning, and/or similar occurrences to these, Cosmetics Dallas holds the right to cancel orders, delay non-essential deliveries and/or pursue action that Cosmetics Dallas believes to be fair.
Our statement includes:
Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, we have had to consider many factors for the safety and concern of our customers. Earlier in 2020, we introduced more intense sanitization practices and introduced disposable supply samples to reduce contact interactions.
To better serve our consumers, we have introduced this online platform dedicated to those of us who are practicing social distancing. This site should allow customers the comfortability and ease to “browse” at home. We are still working out some of the technicalities, so pricing and availability of items are subject to change until after the order is fulfilled. This site should serve as an online catalog, so users can place orders while in the comfort of their own home. Consequently, payment methods will be discussed via telesales.
For the safety of our employees and our customers / clients, we encourage the use of personal protection gear, to include but not limited to masks, gloves, sanitizers, soap and water, and other protectants. it is also your responsibility to comply with governmental CDC conditions and our building (building, building manager, property manager, property owner) may refuse business/access to those who do not comply with their terms as well as governmental terms.
In-store customers who plan to enter building upon appointment, please review our building manager’s resources available at the following link(s):
Showroom visitation
(This link is sourced through 3rd-party, which may have their own terms and conditions):
Showroom visitation specifically during COVID-19
(This link is sourced through 3rd-party, which may have their own terms and conditions):
Cosmetics Etc, Inc. is a Texas registered company, DBA as “Cosmetics Dallas”.
We are not just a virtual store and actually have a physical showroom at the “Dallas Trade Mart” (Also known as the World Trade Center in Dallas) you can contact. our standard business hours are 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Central Time Monday – Friday (hours may vary on holidays or other circumstances). Contact our showroom telephone: +1-214-655-1616 for more information on our showroom or products.
All the products we sell are guaranteed by us to reflect the description on our website. Please return an unopened product for a full refund if you feel any product does not reflect our description.
To enhance your credit card/debit card security, we do not store your credit card details electronically on our own computers. You can call the showroom to verbally place an order, rather than order online. You agree to not hold us liable if your credit card or debit card is declined by your financial institution.
You are welcome to purchase by cash (and check by approval), at our showroom.
Our platforms and sites are intended only to be used within the United States of America. We cannot guarantee purchases or availability of our site/services outside of this region. If you choose to browse the site outside the United States of America, you agree to do so at your own risk.
Our aim is to always be competitive while supplying quality products. pricing available on the website is subject to change at any time. Pricing online may glitch or may be copied incorrectly, and Cosmetics Dallas reserves the right to cancel orders placed for incorrect pricing. As our online platform is in beta development, it should serve as a catalog. Tax settings have yet to be configured, and may not appear on the online order price and/or may be charged separately. For Texas residents, please consider the standard 8.25% rate unless you, the client, are tax exempt.
All products are subject to availability and price changes and therefore nothing on our site shall constitute an offer but rather an invitation to purchase. Both price and availability on this site may be updated or changed without notice.
You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to order or create an account on our website(s). By placing an online order form, you are stating that you intend to purchase the items you have selected, assuming it would be possible.
No warranty is given to availability or price, until a phone call between us and you is placed to confirm your order with us has been accepted and we have received your payment. Currently, we only take payment once we have confirmed we have stock of the product you wish to order. We will then confirm your total order price, including the shipping costs before payment.
Upon receiving a product, should the dispenser or the product prove to be defective, then we will replace or refund your purchase provided it is brought to our attention immediately and the product is unused. Any other product liability shall be limited to the price paid for that product, or a replacement of similar US Dollar ($) value.
All orders will be subject to our UPS, FedEx, or other postal shipping rates. A $5.00 (Five USD) handling and packing charge may apply to all orders. All internet orders are subject to sales tax regulations. We will not ship any order placed on this website if it is outside of the continental United States of America. All orders shipped to addresses in Texas are subject to 8.25% sales tax rate, unless the goods are for resale, in which case we must have a completed and signed sales tax exempt form on file from you. All internet orders to other states may be subject to sales tax, depending on each state’s taxing authorities rules. Any customer acknowledges they may be responsible for paying sales tax owed on their order to their state, if not collected by us.
The majority of our products are for private-label. Most of these products are manufactured in the USA, although some may be from Europe, or other countries. All are chosen for their quality. To help you with your own private label selections we have more competitive pricing on these lines, especially for quantity purchases.
Make an appointment to visit our physical showroom (via phone or email) at the World Trade Center in Dallas to see and discuss the products and lines we have available for your own private label.
We also carry some branded make-up and non-make-up product lines. From time to time, we manage to offer some limited-time “closeouts” at very competitive pricing mainly on non-cosmetic products.
When it comes to colors, what you see on your screen may not reflect the color in real life, as pigments are different to pixels. Also, make-up colors will appear different when indoors, under different types of artificial light, or outdoors with natural light. Please call our showroom if you require an actual product color swatch on paper (for pickup).
We have photographed many of our products as they appear, However, please be informed some photographs have had their images altered, edited, enhanced and may not be to scale. Since some products we sell like skin care may or may not be branded by our suppliers, please call to check before ordering if you intend to resell under your own private label.
Product packaging/casing may vary. An example would be lipsticks, which may come in either round or rectangular packaging depending on the color. Some packaging differences may not be outlined in the photos of the website.
Cosmetics Dallas is not to be held responsible for fraudulent usage of our content. Scammers claiming to be “Cosmetics Dallas” or “Cosmetics Etc, Inc.” are not under our control. Please reach out to our showroom via phone call, email, or Contact Us form if you notice a scam. Cosmetics Dallas does not own 3rd party sites, services, hosts, analytics, etc. and will not be held responsible to manage their data, tracking, terms and conditions on their sites, etc. If you intend to leave Cosmetics Dallas online for an external site, you do so at your own risk. It is your (the visitor’s) responsibility to see where links take you before browsing, as Cosmetics Dallas is not responsible for external resources.
You agree that Cosmetics Dallas is not to be held liable for accommodations to accessibility.
Cosmetics Dallas will attempt to hear and address visitor and customer concerns. Since our site, and some of our website development resources, is/are in a “Beta” development phase, some features are not available for us to alter at the moment. However, we are open to providing additional resources, print-outs, etc. to users who require additional assistance. Resource requests should be made via appointment (or approved phone calls or emails).
By browsing the site, accessing the online platform, placing orders, signing up for mailing lists, and/or creating an account, you agree to allow Cosmetics Dallas to contact you via phone, mail, email, or other form of communication. Such communication may be used for, but not limited to orders over telephone and newsletters.
Even though the online shop may feature a “subscribe” button set to “no” automatically, this does not stop mailing list/newsletter communication. The site is still in beta development and we do not receive notifications from the subscribe input. Please contact us directly via email / Contact Us forms to be removed from such list.
You also agree that comments and feedback that you provide or send to us may be used without credit or compensation to you.
Any personal information supplied to us by you, can be used by us to contact you regarding our products, promotions, or your order, or an inquiry. You are free to browse our site without filling in any forms, however your internet use may be tracked by outside sources beyond our control.
We do not internally store your credit card details electronically on our computers. Only the last four (4) digits of your credit or debit card duplicate receipt may be stored by us, for audit or other order tracing reasons. Your financial payment information may be used by third parties beyond our control.
All of our terms are subject to change. You are forbidden to use this site for any unlawful purposes, or to copy these terms for your own website’s usage.
Your access and use of our site shall be governed by the laws of Texas. We do not guarantee that our site shall be operable at all times. Your use of our site is at your own risk to the hardware and software you may be using to access the site.
Any activity which may damage or interfere with the operation of this site is forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to; inputting any data or material that contains viruses, trojan horses, adware, ransomware or any other harmful designed computer code or products. Data gathering, mining or other intrusive activities are not allowed. All information and data supplied by you to our site shall be accurate and true.
Should a dispute arise, then both parties agree to initially try and resolve the dispute by mediation and that each party will be responsible for their own costs. This mediation shall take place in Dallas County, Texas. should mediation not be successful, then binding arbitration (by a member of the American Arbitration Association), will be the next step and shall also take place in Dallas County, Texas and that each party will be responsible for their own costs.
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our site if you do not follow any of our terms and conditions. Terms & conditions are subject to change at any time.
By default, our store’s host looks at IP and location data, as well as the status of which webpage is being looked at. Any information received from third-parties is out of the control of Cosmetics Dallas and by browsing or accessing the site, data (such as but not limited to IP address and location) may be used by these third parties. Our third parties include our website, website builder and store hosts, website analytics, etc.
On and online informational platforms run by Cosmetics Dallas, our hosts/third parties use cookies for purposes not limited to: help identify your language, currency, and ensure that other features work. Additionally, even though we don’t have a specific plugin activated on the informational homepage, our host may include cookies for those plugins to ensure they would work if implemented.
On and online store platforms, our hosts/third parties use cookies to help identify your language, currency, cart, as well as keep the design uniform on each page.
Certain browsers may eliminate the usage of cookies, but we cannot guarantee that our sites will perform as functioned if cookies are disabled. You agree not to hold us responsible for any cookie collection or unintended function from not allowing cookies.
Cosmetics Dallas does not intend to share any non-anonymous collected data externally. Cosmetics Dallas may look up IP addresses through 3rd party WHOIS services of users deemed suspicious by our technicians. By browsing and accessing Cosmetics Dallas online, you acknowledge that Cosmetics Dallas is not to be held responsible for any data collected and that if deemed suspicious, your IP may be logged internally as suspicious.
Cosmetics Dallas reserves the right to suspend or terminate operations/access with specific IP (Internet Protocol) address(es) that may be considered suspicious under the jurisdiction of Cosmetics Dallas and or third party services (whois services, host services, analytical services).
The code, photos, media on this website is licensed to us by technological third parties (including but not limited programmers, photographers, website builder libraries, hosts, domain services, manufacturers). Please contact us via email / Contact Us form if you are the owner of one of the photos/resources and believe our license is expired/licensed by someone who did so illegitimately and we will have our technician(s) attempt to take down such resource upon proof of ownership (subject to additional terms per case).
Cosmetics Dallas does not permit the use of any photos, descriptions, wording, logos, slogans, design, text, code, etc., or any materials under the copyright of cosmetics etc, inc. used in this website to be copied, reproduced, edited, re-posted, adapted or hosted on other sources or media.
Thus by accessing our online platforms, you agree not to modify, host, publish, reproduce, duplicate, sell, license, lease, reverse engineer, or modify any content provided by Cosmetics Dallas’s and/or Cosmetics Etc, Inc.’s online platforms.
You hereby also agree to the following terms:
- Agree not to use our platforms for unlawful purposes.
- Agree to not hold us liable for any technical problem(s) with this site or platform, and/or any security breach.
- Agree that all information provided is accurate, valid, and complete.
- Agree not to send/activate/upload any form of trackers, malware, viruses, worms, ransomware, bugs, etc.
- Agree to all terms, conditions, and policies outlined in this page.
Cosmetics Dallas is working hard to keep our website available to those who may need additional accommodations or usability. The website is still in a “beta” development phase, and is still being updated to better assist our customers.
Cosmetics Dallas has been taking some courses of action to produce usable information and content. our website includes “alt text”/”Alternative Text” where our website builder allows. Additionally, we’re working on the description text on our site, so it is selectable and input-able to many screen-readers.
While our Contact Us forms may require CAPTCHA usage, we do accept emails via the email address listed on our webpage.
In any event that one faces struggle or difficulty upon accessing our website, please let us know via email, Contact Us form, or phone, and we might be able to have additional means of providing media/content to you.
As mentioned in the terms of agreement, we do have a physical showroom, located at the Dallas Market Center (also known as the World Trade Center of Dallas). Please check with Dallas Market Center about their accessibility and accommodations.
We have been informed of disabled parking spots, wheelchair accessible elevators, etc., but these responsibilities are held by the building management:
(This link is sourced through 3rd-party, which may have their own terms and conditions):